Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kirk Cameron defends himself for his anti-homosexual feeling

“Growing Pains” star Kirk Cameron is defending controversial statements he made earlier this month on “Piers Morgan Tonight” that homosexuality is "unnatural" and "destructive."  Kirk Cameron says he "absolutely" does not hate gay people and is surprised that his previous remarks that condemned homosexuality caused such a firestorm.

In an interview Tuesday with Today, the Growing Pains star denied that he is homophobic and clarified the comments he made on Piers Morgan Tonight.

“I was surprised, frankly, that people were surprised by the things that I’ve said,” he told host Ann Curry. “I have been consistent for 15 years as a Christian. I’m a Bible-believing Christian. What I would have thought was more newsworthy is if I had said something that contradicted the word of God, if I had contradicted my faith.”

Curry asked the actor if he hated homosexuals. “Absolutely not,” he said. “I love all people, I hate no one…When you take a subject and reduce it to something like a four-second soundbite and a check mark on a ballot, I think that that’s inappropriate and insensitive. To edit it down to that, it certainly didn’t reflect my full heart on the matter.” He added: "Nobody should mistreat anybody."